The IP Blog covers a variety of topics of interest and importance to the Independence Party and Minnesota. Follow our posts and give us your feedback on policy positions, philosophy and party direction! Postings usually reflect the opinions of the author and are not necessarily official party positions.

Blog Authors

Author Bio Post Title/Date
Philip Fuehrer

Phil Fuehrer joined the Independence Party in March 1995 and became State Platform Committee Chair that April. He is a co-author of the Constitution and Bylaws rewrite done that year – much of which is still in use by the party.

During his 20+ years with the IP he has served in such positions as Fourth Congressional District Chair, Constitution/Bylaws Committee Chair and as a member of the State Executive Committee.He was elected State Director of the IP in June 2015 and elevated to State Chair in November of that year.Phil is a 3-time candidate representing the IP (State Representative and twice for St. Paul City Council) and was the first IP candidate to receive the endorsement of a major Minnesota newspaper (St. Paul Pioneer Press, 1996).

He has also served in top level positions for Secretary of State and U.S. Senate campaigns as well as an advisor to numerous other local and statewide candidacies. An avid poker player, Phil also co-hosted nearly 190 episodes of the CPL Poker Podcast.

Phil can be reached at philfuehrer (at)

Some Gold Stars Worth More – 5/30/2022

To “Re-Open” or Not, That Is Not The Question – 5/7/2020

COVID-19 Spectrum of Leadership Decisions; Not “Correct” or “Incorrect” Answers – 4/7/2020

Vote for Third Party Candidates You Like – 9/22/18

2015 Convention Speech – 06/21/15

Redefining the Independence Party -Part I – 05/17/2015

Structural Changes Needed to Revitalize Party – 2/15/2015

Cult of Personality? Not Exactly – 01/17/2015

Independence Party: “The report of our death was an exaggeration.” – 12/26/2014

Ben Thome


Ben Thome has been an active member of the IP since 2004 and served with no other party prior to then. He is currently serving as the State Party Director, but has also served as State Party Secretary, 3rd CD Vice-Chair and 3rd CD Secretary.He also ran for the Minnesota House of Representatives for the Independence Party.

Ben graduated from the University of Minnesota with a Bachelors of Art in Linguistics and Anthropology. His passions range from academic pursuits like science and languages to more active pursuits like gardening and travelling.Politics is another of his passions and it has been claimed that Election Day is his Super Bowl.

Ben strongly believes in a third party movement, believing that a two party system only invites stagnation and division. He opposes extremism in all forms and embraces the often malign ideology of temperance and balance. “It is better to rise from life as from a banquet – neither thirsty nor drunken,” Aristotle.

Executive Orders and the Facts – 5/7/2016

Obstructionism is not the answer – 3/13/2016

Guest Bloggers

Writers include: Robert Hopkins, Brad Canham, Paula Overby, David Sullivan-Nightengale, Mark Cardenas and, Mark Jenkins

On occasion we have guest bloggers pen for us. These guests include former candidates and current and former party leaders.

New IP Platform Promotes Freedom, Families and Free Markets – Creates a “New Center” – 10/15/2023

Muslim Ban: Reject Fear, Choose Plurality, Choose One America – 01/28/2017

What Should Minnesota’s Minor Parties Do Now? – 1/8/2017

Ask Not… – 2/2/2016

The Latest Libertarian Party of Minnesota Line on the Independence Party is Deceptive at Best – 10/8/2015

Transgender Values5/2/2015

Campaign Finance Rules in favor of DFL Campaign Coordination – 01/06/2015


    • Daniel W Sanders

      As a previous candidate for the MN House, MN Senate and Anoka County Commissioner. I wished I had continued. The unbelievable disarray in Washington makes me want to seek a write in vote in the 6th Congressional District. Good luck to all of your candidates that are running in various locations.

    • Tom Marpe

      With the 2018 elections over, now is when we should start thinking about our strategy for 2020. We need to think in terms of talking points that will clearly differentiate the IP from the two major parties. One thought is to let it known that IP candidates only need to support 80% of our platform to be our endorsed candidate. That would communicate to the voting public that we support truly independent candidates. Another initial thought would be simplicity. The IP stands for writing laws in the simplest form possible that is reasonably fair. The current laws are written with so many exceptions for special groups they become so complex they end up not being fair because no one understands them. A perfect example of the complexity would be the terms of service for websites that no one ever reads or understands. Every voter has experienced that. There are many other ways in which the IP can clearly communicate how we are different and it is time to begin working on our strategy.

    • Ron Lischeid

      What do we need to do IMMEDIATELY in the 5th CD and specifically in Minneapolis to develop a platform and recruit candidates for all 13 city council seats and Mayor? The current city council has provided a perfect storm to kickstart the 5th CD

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