About the IP
In 1992, a group of Minnesota citizens established a brand new political party—the Independence Party. These bold, visionary citizens were not part of the political elite, captains of industry, or members of the idle rich looking to fill some time. They were ordinary citizens whose disgust with constant budget deficits, big money special interest influence, and extreme ideological dominance forced them to action.
They started a political party grounded in core principles of direct service and accountability to the people, whose government can and will budget responsibly and deliver within its means, and whose endorsed candidates and elected representatives serve the people first, not the party. This party would not be governed by extremists or big (special interest) money, but by reasonable, effective approaches to public policy issues.
The IP is Founded
Formed in 1992 by Minnesota supporters of Presidential candidate Ross Perot, and fielded Dean Barkley that year as a candidate for a seat in the US House of Representatives.
Major Party Status
Dean Barkley’s run for U.S. Senate in 1994 broke 5% and earned the Independence Party major party status which the party held for 20 consecutive years.
Affiliation with national Reform Party
The IP affiliated with the Ross Perot-led Reform Party movement and changed its name to the Reform Party of Minnesota
Election of Governor Jesse Ventura
Former Mayor of Brooklyn Park, wrestler and talk radio personality Jesse Ventura shocks the world by winning the office of Governor.
Return to Independence Party
Growing dissatisfaction with the national Reform Party and the increasing influence of social conservative Pat Buchanan move the party to change its name back to Independence Party and return to a state-only party.
State Legislative Victory
State Senator Sheila Kiscaden leaves the Republican Party for the IP and is re-elected to the Minnesota State Senate.
Temporary loss of major party status
Falling roughly 1300 votes short at 4.91% the IP does not break the required 5% and loses major party status for the first time in 20 years.
First Presidential candidate in 20 years
The party endorses Evan McMullin, a former CIA agent and former chief policy director for the House Republican Conference, for President and gather more than the required 2000 valid signatures in 8.5 days to get him onto the ballot. McMullin receives 1.8% of the vote.
Close to Major Party Status Again
The IP runs William Denney for Secretary of State. William receives 4.1% of the statewide vote – just shy of the needed 5% for Major Party Status.
National Affiliation and Name Tweak: Independence-Alliance Party
The IP votes to affiliate with the growing Alliance Party. As part of the affiliation the party alters its name to the Independence-Alliance Party of Minnesota.
The Alliance Party Places 5th Nationally for Presdient
At only two years old, The Alliance Party gets its candidate (Roque “Rocky” De La Fuente) onto the ballot in 15 states nationwide. Rocky finishes 5th nationally.