Declare YOUR Independence
Vote for your Independence-Alliance Endorsed Candidates!
The Independence-Alliance works to offer candidates that will both get the people’s work done and do so with a tone/tenor that heals our political divide. To that end we have endorsed two of our own candidates in partisan races (U.S. Senate and State House of Representatives), cross-endorsed two candidates for State House of Representatives (a DFLer and a Republican) and granted a letter of support to a candidate running for County Commissioner.
As you vote in 2024 please consider these candidates:
U.S. Senate (all of MN) – Joyce Lacey, Independence-Alliance
State House of Representatives 21A (SW MN) – Creedence Petroff, Independence-Alliance
State House 5B (Long Prairie) – Gregg Hendrickson, DFL (cross-endorsed)
State House 50A (Edina) – Owen Michaelson, Republican (cross-endorsed)
Olmsted County Commissioner (Rochester) – Bob Hopkins
The IP and Alliance Party "In the News"
Your Independence-Alliance, IP Candidates and National Party in the news:
- What else is on the ballot this Tuesday?; The Mac Weekly (Macalester College Student Newspaper), 10/30/2024
Meet the Candidates: Creedence Petroff (21A); PBS-TV; 10/03/2024
- From Republican to Independent: Joyce Lacey’s Senate Campaign, St. Cloud Times, 08/27/2024
Your Vote 2024: Interview with US Senate candidate Joyce Lacey; KTTC-TV, 08/05/2024
- Interview with the Minnesota Independence-Alliance Party’s Phil Fuehrer and Robert Hopkins, Long Live Alternative Parties Podcast, 11/17/23
Minnesota shouldn’t have to wait 25 more years for another third-party victory, Minnpost, 11/16/23
- Guest Jim Rex, National Chair Emeritus, Alliance Party, The Short Bus Debate Club Podcast, 09/30/23
Shorewood elects new councilmembers Maddy, Sanschagrin, Sun Sailor, 11/08/22
- House District 5B: Hendrickson says his swing vote will benefit district, Brainerd Dispatch, 10/22/22
Alternative candidates for Minnesota governor appear in ‘other guys’ forum, Duluth News Tribune, 10/28/22
Minnesota gubernatorial race: As governor, I’ll give real democracy a chance, Minneapolis Star Tribune, 10/19/22
New IP Platform Promotes Freedom, Families and Free Markets - Creates a "New Center"
(Blog entry by Robert Hopkins – State Executive Committee At-Large Member)
The new Independence Party Platform focuses on three main principles – Freedom, Families and Free Markets. These principles are promoted through specific policy positions that call for protecting and preserving Freedom for all citizens, supporting Families and Children, and
ensuring Free Markets with limited regulatory burdens as the foundations for personal liberty, economic growth, and prosperity.
Another key principle to the new Platform is Strengthening Democracy, which undergirds all efforts to achieve greater personal liberty, support families and children, and foster economic growth.
The “New Center” policies outlined in the Platform seize on the best ideas from the left and right and are based on common sense values, and economically populist and free market solutions with the goal of creating a benevolent, dynamic, and uplifting free society that is focused on the well-being of all Minnesotans.
For too long our politics have been mired in the ideological chasms of the far-left and far-right leading to gridlock and stagnation. Instead, the Independence Party rejects these extremes and embraces positions and policies that advance a centrist agenda that will lead to a more inclusive and equitable society in which all citizens can benefit and grow.
Read our new Platform, including the policy positions supporting each plank here:
Read Additional Blog Entries Here: The IP Blog
State Central Committee Meeting - Saturday, February 1, 2025 with a 1pm start
Join us on Saturday, February 1 for our Annual State Central Committee Meeting. We will be at the Ramsey County Library in Maplewood with business commencing at 1pm.
Our main orders of business are to elect the four (4) At-Large State Executive Committee members and to discuss potential merger talks with the Forward Party of MN. Contact if you are interested in attending or running for an At-Large seat.
It should take more than two to debate!
(Letter to Editor from CD 1 Chair, Tom Marpe)
Allowing debates with only the Republican and Democratic candidates does the electorate a disservice. There are many other political parties that are
Debates are the only venue where you can hear from other candidates that do not revolve around money. The electorate does not hear the views and policies of other candidates because they don’t have the money for television advertising or large-scale mailings. For example, the Independence-Alliance Party has a candidate for Minnesota governor that has a new policy idea of “jury democracy,” but the electorate will never hear about it.
One way we can decrease the polarized electorate is to make sure that those alternative ideas be heard. My suggestion is that those groups who schedule the debates always require at least three parties to be represented.
Upcoming Events
Upcoming events of interest:
- State Executive Committee Meeting, Tuesday, January 7, 2025 – 7pm, on Zoom, contact us for the meeting link
- 2025 Annual State Central Committee Meeting, Saturday, February 1, 2025, 1:00pm start, Ramsey County Library, Maplewood, MN Contact for more information.
- State Executive Committee Meeting, Wednesday, February 5, 2025 – 7pm, on Zoom, contact us for the meeting link
Email: for more information on any upcoming event.
In 1992, a group of Minnesota citizens established a brand new political party—the Independence Party. These bold, visionary citizens were not part of the political elite, captains of industry, or members of the idle rich looking to fill some time. They were ordinary citizens whose disgust with constant budget deficits, big money special interest influence, and extreme ideological dominance forced them to action.
Nearly thirty years later those same frustrations have only grown worse. Now aligned with a national force, the Independence-Alliance Party continues its work to solving the issues and giving Minnesotans a true voice.
Our philosophy is that the only wasted vote is the one cast for something you don’t want. If you’re voting the “lesser of two evils” then you’re wasting your vote. Vote your conscience and it’s never a wasted vote.
We ……